Time to sort out your finances? Here are some quick tips…
- Use this handy tool to see if you could get more benefits than you’re claiming (lots of people don’t realise how much they should get)
- or use this website to search for grants you might be able to claim, or this tool to check support available in your local area
- Use this tool to help manage your PIP application
- Find lots of online advice including budget planners and more
- Search for a free debt adviser who can help you
- Struggling with energy bills? Some providers offer grants to help you out
- Struggling with gambling debt? Use Gamban to help protect yourself from adding to your debt
- Or need help paying for mobile data? You may be able to get some for free
- Find out how to access a food bank
- Check out Fair for You’s newsletters and blogs for lots of ideas and inspiration
- Make sure you are cyber aware, and stop scammers in their tracks
We know that being in debt or struggling with money can be very difficult for many people. Whether you’re a customer of ours or not, we want to help you manage your finances and reduce your money worries.
And of course, if you are a Fair for You customer, make sure you look at our FAQs if you’ve got any question about managing your account.
What else should we list on this page? Have you got a great tip for things that would be helpful to other Fair for You customers? Email us on contactus@fairforyou.co.uk